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Exclusive Lasso and Group Lasso Using R code

Exclusive Lasso and Group Lasso Using R code

Posted January 12, 2023
Sang-Heon Lee
SHLee AI Financial Model

This post shows how to use the R packages for estimating an exclusive lasso and a group lasso. These lasso variants have a given grouping order in common but differ in how this grouping constraint is functioning when a variable selection is performed.

Lasso, Group Lasso, and Exclusive Lasso

While LASSO (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) has many variants and extensions, our focus is on two lasso models: Group Lasso and Exclusive Lasso. Before we dive into the specifics, let’s go over the similarities and differences of these two lasso variants from the following figure.


In the above figure, 15 variables are categorized into four groups. Lasso selects important features irrespective of the grouping. Of course, lasso did not select Group 2 and 4’s variables but it is not intended but just an estimation result. While group lasso selects all or none in specific group, exclusive lasso selects at least one variable in each group.

From a perspective of competition, group lasso implements a completion across groups and on the contrary, exclusive lasso makes variables in the same group compete with each other within each group.

Since we can grasp the main characteristics of two lasso modes from the above figure, let’s turn to the mathematical expressions.


There are some various expressions for these models and the next equations are for lasso, group lasso, and exclusive Lasso following Qiu et al. (2021).


where the coefficient in Î˛ are divided into G groups and Î˛g denotes the coefficient vector of the g-th group.

In the group lasso, l2,1-norm consists of the intra-group non-sparsity via l2-norm and inter-group sparsity via l1-norm. Therefore, variables of each group will be either selected or discarded entirely. Refer to Yuan and Lin (2006) for more information on the group lasso.

In exclusive lasso, l1,2-norm consists of the intra-group sparsity via l1-norm and inter-group non-sparsity via l2-norm. Exclusive lasso selects at least one variable from each group. Refer to Zhou et al. (2010) for more information on the exclusive lasso.

R code

The following R code implements lasso, group lasso, and exclusive lasso for an artificial data set with a given group index. Required R packages are glmnet for lasso, gglasso for group lasso, and ExclusiveLasso for exclusive lasso.

# Quantitative ALM, Financial Econometrics & Derivatives 
# ML/DL using R, Python, Tensorflow by Sang-Heon Lee 
# Group Lasso and Exclusive Lasso
library(ExclusiveLasso)  # clear all graphs
rm(list = ls()) # remove all files from your workspace
# X and y variable
N = 500 # number of observations
p = 20  # number of variables
# random generated X
X = matrix(rnorm(N*p), ncol=p)
# standardization : mean = 0, std=1
X = scale(X)
# artificial coefficients
beta = c(0.15,-0.33,0.25,-0.25,0.05,0,0,0,0.5,0.2,
        -0.25, 0.12,-0.125,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
# Y variable, standardized Y
y = X%*%beta + rnorm(N, sd=0.5)
#y = scale(y)
# group index for X variables <- c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,
# Model with a given lambda
# lasso
la <- glmnet(X, y, lambda = 0.1,
             family="gaussian", alpha=1,
             intercept = F) 
# group lasso
gr <- gglasso(X, y, lambda = 0.2,
             group =, loss="ls",
             intercept = F)
# exclusive lasso
ex <- exclusive_lasso(X, y,lambda = 0.2, 
             groups =, family="gaussian", 
             intercept = F) 
# Results
df.comp <- data.frame(
    group =, beta = beta,
    Lasso     = la$beta[,1],
    Group     = gr$beta[,1],
    Exclusive = ex$coef[,1]
# Run cross-validation & select lambda
# lambda.min : minimal MSE
# lambda.1se : the largest λ at which the MSE is 
#   within one standard error of the minimal MSE.
# lasso
la_cv <- cv.glmnet(x=X, y=y, family='gaussian',
            alpha=1, intercept = F, nfolds=5)
x11(); plot(la_cv)
paste(la_cv$lambda.min, la_cv$lambda.1se)
# group lasso
gr_cv <- cv.gglasso(x=X, y=y,, 
            loss="ls", pred.loss="L2", 
            intercept = F, nfolds=5)
x11(); plot(gr_cv)
paste(gr_cv$lambda.min, gr_cv$lambda.1se)
# exclusive lasso
ex_cv <- cv.exclusive_lasso(
            X, y, groups =,
            intercept = F, nfolds=5)
x11(); plot(ex_cv)
paste(ex_cv$lambda.min, ex_cv$lambda.1se)
# Model with selected lambda
# lasso
la <- glmnet(X, y, lambda = la_cv$lambda.1se,
             family="gaussian", alpha=1,
             intercept = F) 
# group lasso
gr <- gglasso(X, y, lambda = gr_cv$lambda.1se+0.1,
             group =, loss="ls",
             intercept = F)
# exclusive lasso
ex <- exclusive_lasso(X, y,lambda = ex_cv$lambda.1se, 
             groups =, family="gaussian", 
             intercept = F) 
# Results
df.comp.lambda.1se <- data.frame(
    group =, beta = beta,
    Lasso     = la$beta[,1],
    Group     = gr$beta[,1],
    Exclusive = ex$coef[,1]

The first output from the above R code is the table of coefficients of all models with given each initial Î» parameter. We can easily find the model-specific pattern of each model. I add horizontal dotted lines for separating each group just for exposition purpose.

> df.comp

    group   beta       Lasso        Group    Exclusive
V1      1  0.150  0.01931728  0.016938769  0.013555753
V2      1 -0.330 -0.18832916 -0.047695924 -0.184065967
V3      1  0.250  0.17261562  0.042254702  0.169516525
V4      1 -0.250 -0.16322025 -0.043994211 -0.153730137
V5      1  0.050  0.00000000  0.009673207  0.000000000
V6      2  0.000  0.00000000  0.001067915  0.000000000
V7      2  0.000  0.00000000  0.001355834  0.000000000
V8      2  0.000  0.00000000  0.014211932  0.000000000
V9      2  0.500  0.38757370  0.101900169  0.385382905
V10     2  0.200  0.11146785  0.044591933  0.110731304
V11     3 -0.250 -0.15010738  0.000000000 -0.186626541
V12     3  0.120  0.00000000  0.000000000  0.003117881
V13     3 -0.125 -0.08305582  0.000000000 -0.120458426
V14     3  0.000  0.00000000  0.000000000  0.000000000
V15     3  0.000  0.00000000  0.000000000  0.000000000
V16     4  0.000  0.00000000  0.000000000  0.000000000
V17     4  0.000  0.00000000  0.000000000  0.000000000
V18     4  0.000  0.00000000  0.000000000  0.010918904
V19     4  0.000  0.00000000  0.000000000  0.015330520
V20     4  0.000  0.00000000  0.000000000  0.013591628

The second output is the table of coefficients of all models with each selected lambda which is a result of cross validation. I add horizontal dotted lines for separating each group just for exposition purpose.

> df.comp.lambda.1se

    group   beta       Lasso         Group   Exclusive
V1      1  0.150  0.07776181  4.779605e-02  0.08297141
V2      1 -0.330 -0.24670209 -1.257863e-01 -0.25235238
V3      1  0.250  0.22825029  1.130749e-01  0.23282822
V4      1 -0.250 -0.21384666 -1.168170e-01 -0.21582154
V5      1  0.050  0.03733144  2.717197e-02  0.04139150
V6      2  0.000  0.00000000  2.184575e-03  0.00000000
V7      2  0.000  0.00000000  3.353260e-03  0.00000000
V8      2  0.000  0.01031027  2.950791e-02  0.02043597
V9      2  0.500  0.43538564  2.200230e-01  0.44419164
V10     2  0.200  0.16649806  9.620757e-02  0.17844727
V11     3 -0.250 -0.20316169 -1.886308e-02 -0.22419384
V12     3  0.120  0.03113405  4.430739e-03  0.05392923
V13     3 -0.125 -0.13474237 -1.468172e-02 -0.15506193
V14     3  0.000  0.00000000 -3.646683e-05  0.00000000
V15     3  0.000  0.00000000 -1.311539e-03  0.00000000
V16     4  0.000  0.00000000  0.000000e+00  0.00000000
V17     4  0.000  0.00000000  0.000000e+00 -0.01087451
V18     4  0.000  0.00000000  0.000000e+00  0.00000000
V19     4  0.000  0.00000000  0.000000e+00  0.01946948
V20     4  0.000  0.00000000  0.000000e+00  0.01318269

An Interesting Property of Exclusive Lasso

As stated earlier, the exclusive lasso selects at least one variable from each group. Let’s check if this argument holds true with the next R code by setting Î» to a higher value (100), which prevents from selecting variables.

# lasso
la <- glmnet(X, y, lambda = 100,
             family="gaussian", alpha=1,
             intercept = F) 
# group lasso
gr <- gglasso(X, y, lambda = 100,
             group =, loss="ls",
             intercept = F)
# exclusive lasso
ex <- exclusive_lasso(X, y,lambda = 100, 
             groups =, family="gaussian", 
             intercept = F) 

The following result is sufficient for supporting the above explanation. While lasso and group lasso discard all variables with a higher Î», exclusive lasso select one variable from each group. I add horizontal dotted lines for separating each group just for exposition purpose.

> df.comp.higher.lambda

    group   beta Lasso Group     Exclusive
V1      1  0.150     0     0  0.0000000000
V2      1 -0.330     0     0 -0.0031930017
V3      1  0.250     0     0  0.0000000000
V4      1 -0.250     0     0  0.0000000000
V5      1  0.050     0     0  0.0000000000
V6      2  0.000     0     0  0.0000000000
V7      2  0.000     0     0  0.0000000000
V8      2  0.000     0     0  0.0000000000
V9      2  0.500     0     0  0.0051059151
V10     2  0.200     0     0  0.0000000000
V11     3 -0.250     0     0 -0.0026019669
V12     3  0.120     0     0  0.0000000000
V13     3 -0.125     0     0  0.0000000000
V14     3  0.000     0     0  0.0000000000
V15     3  0.000     0     0  0.0000000000
V16     4  0.000     0     0  0.0000000000
V17     4  0.000     0     0  0.0000000000
V18     4  0.000     0     0  0.0006854416
V19     4  0.000     0     0  0.0000000000
V20     4  0.000     0     0  0.0000000000

This is interesting and may be useful when we want to select one security in each sector when forming a diversified asset portfolio with many investment sectors. Of course, a further analysis is necessary to select arbitrary predetermined number of securities from each sector.

Concluding Remarks

This post shows how to use group lasso and exclusive lasso using R code. In particular, I think that the exclusive lasso delivers some interesting result which will be investigated furthermore in following research such as sector-based asset allocation (sectoral diversification).


Yuan, M. and L. Lin (2006), Model Selection and Estimation in Regression with Grouped Variables, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 68, pp. 49–67.

Zhou, Y., R. Jin, and S. Hoi (2010), Exclusive Lasso for Multi-task Feature Selection. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, pp. 988-995.

Qiu, L., Y. Qu, C. Shang, L. Yang, F. Chao, and Q. Shen (2021), Exclusive Lasso-Based k-Nearest Neighbors Classification. Neural Computing and Applications, pp. 1-15. 

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