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What’s on Tap Weekly Calendar: Sep. 25 – 29, 2023

Posted September 22, 2023 at 10:15 am
Sal Nisi
Hammerstone Markets

Monday September 25th  

Economic Calendar: 

  • 8:30 AM ET                   National Activity Index for August
  • 10:30 AM ET                 Dallas Fed Manufacturing for September
  • 6:00 PM ET                    Fed’s Kashkari Speaks

Earnings Calendar:

  • Earnings Before the Open: none
  • Earnings After the Close: THO

Tuesday September 26th

Economic Calendar: 

  • 7:45 AM ET                   ICSC Weekly Retail Sales
  • 8:55 AM ET                   Johnson/Redbook Weekly Sales
  • 9:00 AM ET                   Monthly Home Price M/M for July
  • 9:00 AM ET                   Case Shiller 20-City M/M for July
  • 10:00 AM ET                 Consumer Confidence for September
  • 10:00 AM ET                 New Home Sales M/M for August
  • 10:00 AM ET                 Richmond Fed Index for September
  • 1:00 PM ET                    US Treasury to sell $45B in 2-year notes.
  • 4:30 PM ET                    API Weekly Inventory Data

Earnings Calendar:

  • Earnings Before the Open: CTAS MITQ SNX
  • Earnings After the Close: AIR COST MLKN PRGS UNFI

Other Key Events:

  • BMO Capital San Francisco & Silicon Valley Property Tour, 9/26-9/28, in San Francisco, CA
  • Cantor Global Healthcare Conference, 9/26-9/28, in New York

Wednesday September 27th  

Economic Calendar: 

  • 7:00 AM ET                   MBA Mortgage Applications Data
  • 8:30 AM ET                   Durable Goods M/M for August
  • 8:30 AM ET                   Durable Goods Ex: Transports for August
  • 10:30 AM ET                 Weekly DOE Inventory Data
  • 1:00 PM ET                    US Treasury to sell $46B in 5-year notes.

Earnings Calendar:

  • Earnings Before the Open: PAYX
  • Earnings After the Close: CNXC FUL JEF MU NAPA WOR

Other Key Events:

  • BMO Capital San Francisco & Silicon Valley Property Tour, 9/26-9/28, in San Francisco, CA
  • Cantor Global Healthcare Conference, 9/26-9/28, in New York
  • RBC Capital Global Communications Infrastructure Conference, 9/27-9/28, in Chicago, IL

Thursday September 28th

Economic Calendar: 

  • 8:30 AM ET                   Weekly Jobless Claims
  • 8:30 AM ET                   Continuing Claims
  • 8:30 AM ET                   Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Q2-Final
  • 8:30 AM ET                   GDP Consumer Spending Q2-Final
  • 8:30 AM ET                   GDP Price Deflator for Q2-Final
  • 8:30 AM ET                   PCE Prices final for Q2
  • 8:30 AM ET                   Core PCE Prices for Q2-Final
  • 9:00 AM ET                   Fed’s Goolsbee Speaks at Peterson Institute in Washington
  • 10:00 AM ET                 Pending Home Sales M/M for August
  • 10:30 AM ET                 Weekly EIA Natural Gas Inventory Data
  • 11:00 AM ET                 Kansas City Fed Manufacturing for September
  • 1:00 PM ET                    US Treasury to sell $36B in 7-year notes.
  • 7:00 PM ET                    Fed’s Barkin Gives Speech on Monetary Policy Outlook

Earnings Calendar:

  • Earnings Before the Open: BSET DYNT JBL KMX
  • Earnings After the Close: MTN NKE PCYG TGL VRAR

Other Key Events:

  • CNBC 13th annual Delivering Alpha conference on September 28th at The Glasshouse in New York City
  • BMO Capital San Francisco & Silicon Valley Property Tour, 9/26-9/28, in San Francisco, CA
  • Cantor Global Healthcare Conference, 9/26-9/28, in New York
  • RBC Capital Global Communications Infrastructure Conference, 9/27-9/28, in Chicago, IL

Friday September 29th

Economic Calendar: 

  • 8:30 AM ET                   Personal Income M/M for August
  • 8:30 AM ET                   Personal Spending M/M for August
  • 8:30 AM ET                   PCE Price Index M/M for August
  • 8:30 AM ET                   PCE Price Index Y/Y for August
  • 8:30 AM ET                   Core PCE Price Index M/M for August
  • 8:30 AM ET                   Core PCE Price Index Y/Y for August
  • 8:30 AM ET                   Advanced Goods Trade Balance for August
  • 9:45 AM ET                   Chicago PMI for September
  • 10:00 AM ET                 University of Michigan Confidence, Sept-Final
  • 10:00 AM ET                 University of Michigan 1-yr and 5-yr inflation expectations, Sept-F
  • 12:45 PM ET                 Fed’s Williams to Speak on Monetary Policy
  • 1:00 PM ET                    Baker Hughes Weekly rig count data

Earnings Calendar:

  • Earnings Before the Open: CCL

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