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Chart Advisor: Semiconductors Hit a New High

Posted July 31, 2023 at 5:04 am

By J.C. Parets & All Star Charts

1/ Semiconductors Hit a New High

2/ Value-Oriented Sectors Are Making Moves

3/ Global Equities Remain Strong

4/ OJ Makes a Break for It

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1/ Semiconductors Hit a New High

Semiconductors embark on a fresh leg higher.

The Semiconductors ETF (SMH) recently completed a year-long consolidation, resolving to new all time highs:

It doesn’t get much more bullish than fresh all-time highs. And these fresh highs for SMH come at a critical inflection point for the tech sector.

Many individual tech names, such as Microsoft (MSFT), are reaching logical levels of overhead supply or even all-time highs. Also, the Technology Sector ETF (XLK) is revisiting its dotcom bubble highs vs. the broader market.

As supply looms overhead, SMH has a message for this year’s market leaders—no worry, beef curry!

2/ Value-Oriented Sectors Are Making Moves

The Fed has spoken, and the markets have reacted.

Stocks appear well adjusted to the new rising-rate regime as value-oriented sectors catch higher along with growth. 

Check out the Equities for Rising Rates ETF (EQRR):

EQRR is composed of about 30% energy, 25% financials, 19% materials, and 16% industrials, plus some other stuff. 

Energy, financials, materials, and industrials tend to deliver outsized returns as rates rise. And given the current conditions, it’s unsurprising that EQRR is on the verge of breaking out.

Rather than directly trading EQRR, investors could look for successful strategies by drilling down to individual names and industry groups with the goal of riding the strongest stocks to new highs.

The goal is always to buy the strongest and sell the weakest. Right now, we’re tracking cyclical value-oriented sectors for signs of leadership.

3/ Global Equities Remain Strong

International equities continue to print fresh highs, completing one accumulation pattern after another.

Earlier this year, the MSCI Japan ETF (EWJ) completed a year-long reversal formation. However, price is now challenging a new potential resistance level.

The 61.8% retracement of the 2022 bear cycle marks a logical area of overhead supply. But notice that the 200-day moving average is sloping higher in favor of the bulls.

If buyers force a decisive breakout above this supply zone, it would represent a significant feather in the hat for equities overseas. It would also support the uptrend underway stateside.

4/ OJ Makes a Break for It

If you hear someone claim that commodities are not in a bull market or that the commodity supercycle is dead, turn and run the other way.

Orange juice futures hit new all-time highs this week!

Cocoa futures continue to march toward our upside objective. Energy contracts are perking up after a quiet first half. And gold—gold could drive those Doubting Thomases bonkers if it breaks to new all-time highs.

Inflation isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, and neither are commodities.

But we don’t have to trade futures to take advantage of these trends. Plenty of opportunities should present themselves along the way via the equity markets. 

Originally posted 28th July 2023

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