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How AMZN’s November Performance Stacks Up

How AMZN’s November Performance Stacks Up

Posted November 8, 2023 at 10:00 am
Market Chameleon

AMZN’s Historical Seasonality with MarketChameleon

As an active investor, you’re always seeking insights that can help you navigate the often-turbulent waters of the stock market. While past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results, understanding historical seasonality patterns can provide valuable clues about potential trends and opportunities.

Traditionally, the month of November has been a favorable period for the stock market, often exhibiting positive returns. Given this trend, we decided to examine how AMZN stock has typically performed during November.

AMZN’s November Performance

Using MarketChameleon’s Historical Price Return Distribution tool, we set the seasonality period from November 6th to the end of the month and analyzed AMZN’s historical performance data.

Historical Price Return Distribution Tool, Market Chameleon

The results revealed that AMZN stock has produced positive returns 67% of the time during this calendar period, with an average return of +2.45%.

The median return for November was +1.85%, indicating that the majority of the time, AMZN has experienced positive returns during this month. Interestingly, the average of the positive moves was +5.73%, while the negative moves averaged -4.11%, suggesting that AMZN’s positive returns tend to be more significant than its negative ones.

To further assess AMZN’s performance range, we examined the high-low range for November. The best performance recorded was +14.2%, while the worst was -11.2%, indicating a skew towards the upside.

Visualizing AMZN’s Seasonality

AMZN's Seasonality, November 2023, Market Chameleon
Source: Market Chameleon

To gain a deeper understanding of AMZN’s historical seasonality, we generated a graph depicting the average and median performance over time. The graph revealed that AMZN’s peak performance during November typically occurs towards the end of the month. Interestingly, the stock appears to start gaining momentum around November 16th, as the first part of the month can be somewhat volatile.


Based on our analysis of historical seasonality patterns, AMZN has a tendency to perform well during the month of November. Positive returns, volatility potential, and a skew towards upside gains make it an intriguing period for investors. While past performance is not a guarantee of future results, these insights can provide valuable context for investors making informed decisions.

Originally Posted November 6, 2023 – How AMZN’s November Performance Stacks Up


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