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Monitoring Pending Applications & Client Activation Notifications

Lesson 3 of 18
Duration 3:17
Level Beginner
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IBKR’s Advisor Portal enables Financial Advisors and RIAs to view the status of pending applications and modify or cancel applications if needed. IBKR also offers advisors the ability to enable Client Activation Notifications so new clients will receive an email notification upon account approval.

Study Notes:

This lesson will review how Financial Advisors and RIAs can use the Interactive Brokers Advisor Portal to monitor the status of pending applications as well as how to enable Client Activation Notifications.

Where to view Pending Applications?

All Pending Applications can be monitored on the Home page of the Advisor Portal under the Pending Items box. To view further details on the status of a pending application, click the blue Incomplete link under the Status column.

The advisor will be redirected to the Application Tasks page where the completed tasks will be denoted with a Green checkmark to the left and the pending tasks will be reflected with a red “X”. The Owner column will indicate whether the client or IBKR must complete this task.

If the application was Fully Electronic, the advisor can view the client’s last login attempt in the top right corner of the Application Tasks page and whether the client was successful in logging in. This information can be helpful to the advisor who may want to check in with the client to see if they need help if some time has passed since their last login.

At the bottom of the page, the advisor can use the Export button to download the list of application tasks. The advisor can also cancel the application on the client’s behalf by clicking the Delete Application button. If any supplemental documents are required for the application, the advisor can use the blue Upload Document button to upload these documents on the client’s behalf.

If it was a Semi-Electronic application, the advisor can use the Modify Application button which will re-direct the advisor to the application page where they can make any necessary changes and upload any required documents.

When the application is approved and the account is opened, it will be reflected under the Recent Activity tab which displays any client funding and application activity from the past five days. If no activity has occurred, a message to that effect will appear.

Client Activation Notifications

For semi-electronic applications, advisors can enable Client Activation Notifications which will automatically send an email notification to new clients once their account has been approved. The email will contain instructions for the client to access their new account in the Client Portal.

To enable the Client Activation Notifications, click the head & shoulders icon in the upper right corner and select Settings. Scroll down to the Client Settings section and select Client Activation Notifications. A pop-up window will appear with the choice to enable or disable these notifications.

If advisors choose not to enable this feature, the new clients will still receive a physical welcome letter in the mail with the access link to Client Portal.


User Guide: Client Applications

User Guide: Client Activation Notifications

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